ExsManager Pro 2.9.2

Jan 22, 2010

ExsManager Pro 2.9.2

ExsManager Pro 2.9.2 | Mac Os X | 10 MB

ExsManager is a dedicated standalone management software for Exs24 and GarageBand instruments and files, written from scratch for the OSX platform to deliver a new level of performance, and new functions previously not available. Many pro studios using Logic have been converting from hardware based sampling to Exs24 sampling during the last few years. This has caused an explosion of the average count of instrument and sample files on the typical studio hard disk. The reorganization tasks that could be done by hand when we were dealing with hundreds or few thousands of files, have become impossible to tackle with the modern huge libraries now available. ExsManager is the solution to a myriad little tasks and big problems that are encountered daily by theExs24 users.

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