Microsoft Research WorldWide Telescope

Jan 28, 2009

Microsoft Research WorldWide Telescope
A corporation Microsoft presented public beta-versiyu online service of WorldWide Telescope, allowing to get access enormous database information of astronomic character. Service of WorldWide Telescope allows the amateurs of astronomy and professional scientists to explore star sky from the personal computer, to get information about the Planetary system, galaxies, fogs and other objects of spaces.
For work with service of WorldWide Telescope it is necessary to load and install the client program. On the whole, new service unites terabayty of graphic and concomitant information, collected the largest surface observatories and telescopes of spaces, including orbital x-ray photography observatory of "Chandre", telescopes of "Habbl" and "Spitcer". Users can look over images, got on different wave-lengths, approach the areas of pictures, watch position of objects of spaces at different times and other.

Size: 26 MB
Language of Interface: English
Platform: Windows All
License: Freeware



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